Geothermal energy features in climate change dialogue during delegation from the People's Republic of China

Our Science

03 September 2024

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Amplify and the New Zealand Geothermal Association hosted a geothermal showcase in Taupō for a delegation of ministers from the People's Republic of China.

GNS Science supported the visit, presenting on homegrown geothermal development opportunities, science, and technologies.

Global climate change dialogue

An international delegation of ministers from the People's Republic of China visited New Zealand last week to participate in global climate change dialogue with our Minister of Climate Change, Hon Simon Watts.

The delegation included His Excellency Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, along with the Director General of the Department of Climate Change and the Director General of the Department of International Cooperation, accompanied by their respective teams.

Insight into geothermal opportunity

During their visit Minister Huang expressed a keen interest in learning more about New Zealand’s world-leading geothermal industry.

As part of the Taupō geothermal showcase, we gave an in-depth presentation at our Wairakei Research Centre to showcase the opportunities and technologies available for geothermal development in China. We shared our current research, plans for future research, and hosted a tour through our world-leading geothermal laboratories.

During our discussions we highlighted New Zealand's long established leadership in geothermal development and innovation. We discussed how our unique expertise have provided foundational support for the global geothermal sector, and how it could also benefit China. We also highlighted the importance of utilising the geothermal resource while protecting surface features, and working alongside communities and iwi to ensure sustainable management.

Minister Huang spoke positively about the experience, noting the value of the open exchange of ideas and knowledge. He emphasised his desire to strengthen the relationship between our nations and to explore further opportunities for collaboration in our shared commitment to addressing climate change.

Thank you to Amplify (Taupō District Economic Development) and the New Zealand Geothermal Association for faciliating this opportunity to showcase New Zealand geothermal expertise, and Taupō District Council, Contact Energy Ltd, MB Century Ltd, Mercury NZ, Western Energy Services for supporting the visit alongside us.

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