National geological maps

National geological maps are those that cover the whole of Aotearoa New Zealand, either in a single sheet or as a series. They may also include New Zealand’s many offshore islands.
The first geological map of Aotearoa New Zealand was published in 1869 making the country one of the few in the world at that time to have a complete national geological map.
National Maps
Geological maps are produced at a variety of scales to meet user’s needs. National scale maps are by necessity simplified versions of more detailed mapping. During simplification, the data layers shown are limited to a few main themes (e.g., at 1:1 000 000 only geological units and faults may be shown) and the detail in those themes is reduced compared to the more detailed 1:250 000 maps. The three currently available national maps each show different levels of detail, with the 1:2 000 000 map being condensed to a single sheet, the 1:1 000 000 map printed as North Island and South Island sheets, and the 1:250 000 map was printed as 21 sheets as part of the QMAP project (1996-2012).
The individual QMAP sheets were amalgamated in digital form in 2018 and are updated every two to three years with newly published data. These data and the digital data used to create 1:1 000 000 geological map are available as web services and through the GNS Science Online Shop(external link).