Dr Catherine MooreGroundwater Scientist and Modeller

BSc (Auckland) Dip. Eng (Canterbury) MSc (Wellington) PhD (University of Queensland, Australia)
Dr. Catherine Moore is a groundwater scientist and modeller. She has more than 25 years’ experience in local government, groundwater consultancies and research organizations.
Her modelling interests include the development of pragmatic tools for robust decision-support modelling, quantifying model predictive uncertainty, identifying cost-effective data acquisition and monitoring strategies, and optimizing model-data assimilation. Some of her current work is focusing on mathematical and empirical explorations of appropriate model complexity to enhance decision support. Catherine led the SMART models for aquifer management research programme, and is currently co-leading the Te Whakeheke O Te Wai research programme at GNS, and is a part-time member of the Flinders University led Groundwater Modelling for Decision Support Initiative.