Dr Jocelyn TurnbullRadiocarbon Science Leader

Jocelyn Turnbull is a carbon cycle scientist, studying how carbon moves through the earth system, and the human fingerprint on the carbon cycle.
Jocelyn Turnbull holds joint appointments at GNS Science, New Zealand the University of Colorado, USA, and co-chairs the WMO Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG³IS) program.
Jocelyn leads the GNS Science Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory, which maintains expertise in a wide range of radiocarbon applications including radiocarbon in atmospheric trace gases, paleo-environmental and paleo-hazard chronology, soil and water carbon processes.
Her research leverages radiocarbon to investigate the modern carbon cycle, particularly the source and fate of fossil fuel derived CO₂. She uses atmospheric greenhouse gas observations as well as radiocarbon and related tracers to understand the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases at the local, urban and regional scales. Current projects include: CarbonWatch-Urban Reducing Aotearoa’s urban carbon emissions – a critical pathway to net-zero 2050; CarbonWatch-NZ evaluating New Zealand’s natural and anthropogenic carbon budget; INFLUX, the Indianapolis Flux Project evaluating urban greenhouse gas emissions; and SOAR Southern Ocean Atmospheric Radiocarbon investigating Southern Ocean carbon exchange.
Connecting emissions science to policy outcomes is a key component of Jocelyn’s research. As co-chair of IG³IS, she works closely with practicing scientists and stakeholders to support the translation of scientific results into actionable policy information. These interactions are facilitated through workshops and working groups, and through leadership of good practice guidelines.