Paul White

BSc (Hons, 1st) Victoria University of Wellington.
Paul’s research interests lie in understanding New Zealand’s groundwater systems and their flows.
He uses 3D geological modelling for defining and assessing groundwater systems, and his knowledge and research is used by regional councils and resource managers for groundwater allocation and lake-water quality protection, including two large, long-term community-based programmes in the Taupo and Rotorua catchments.
Paul also has an impressive track record of consultancy for GNS in the area of groundwater and geothermal resources, with involvement in approximately 138 consultancy reports and as an expert witness in water policy and consent hearings.
Paul's work contributes to New Zealand communities through his involvement in a number of significant research projects, including the Rotorua Lakes Restoration Project, and the iwi-led Kaitiaki Flow Project for the Awahou Stream. Paul worked alongside Ngāti Rangiwewehi and together they ensured a partnership of mātauranga Māori and science from GNS resulted in a kaitiaki flow provision being included in the current Ngongotaha public water supply consent. The significance of this project was recognised by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in their Research, Science and innovation Report 2021: Listening to the Voice of the Taniwha(external link).
Paul has created a substantial and productive record in science excellence, with approximately 215 nationally significant and impactful science outputs (published papers and conference presentations). His work has been formally acknowledged with awards from the Korean Water Resources Association for developing scientific cooperation between New Zealand and Korea; the New Zealand Hydrological Society for services to hydrology and Science New Zealand for Lifetime Achievement. He was also appointed to the Taupo-nui-a-Tia Management Board as a Crown Representative by the Minister of Conservation.
He is a past President of the New Zealand Hydrological Society and a Royal Society of New Zealand Councillor representing Earth Sciences. He actively contributes to New Zealand’s science sector through science society leadership, community outreach and teaching on a range of training courses.