Theme leader

Graham LeonardNatural Hazards and Risks

Graham leonard

BSc (1st class honours), Volcanology; PhD, Volcanology

Graham is a Wellington-based natural hazard scientist and geologist in the Earth Structure and Processes Department.

His research focusses on volcanic mapping, geology, stratigraphy and geochronology. He has worked extensively throughout the Asia-Pacific region, and in North and South America and his work has contributed to the development of effective responses to warning systems, especially for volcanic, tsunami and landslide processes, and characterising and mitigating the impacts of hazard events.

Graham leads GNS’s SSIF volcanology research programme and co-leads the Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland programme. He is a member of the national Tsunami Advisory Group and Tsunami Working Group and holds leadership roles in the IAVCEI Cities and Volcanoes Commission and Volcanic Ash Fall Impacts Working Group.

Leonard Graham 2545

Graham Leonard Natural Hazard and Risk Theme Leader

Graham is a Principal Scientist within the Earth Structure and Processes Department. His particular research interests are in Taupo Volcanic Zone volcanic mapping; New Zealand volcanic geology, stratigraphy and geochronology; developing effective response to warning systems, especially for volcanic, tsunami & landslide/debris-flow processes; and quantifying/characterising & mitigating the impacts of natural hazard events.

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