Jen AndrewsSeismologist

I am a Seismologist within the Source to Surface Seismology team, with a background in real-time and reservoir seismic monitoring. My research interests include rapid earthquake characterisation methods for earthquake early warning and hazard response; algorithm development for real-time operations; delivery of earthquake information to end users; regional and national seismic monitoring; microseismicity, induced seismicity and reservoir monitoring. I also have experience with media and public interaction in earthquake response.
- MEarth Sc
- PhD
Areas of expertise
- Geophysics: Code development
- Geophysics: Data processing
- Geophysics: Earthquake analysis
- Geophysics: Hydraulic fracturing
- Geophysics: Monitoring induced seismicity
- Geophysics: Real-time seismological monitoring
- Geophysics: Seismology
Major Publications
See all publications
- Rapid earthquake rupture characterization for New Zealand using the FinDer algorithm, Bulletin / Seismological Society of America 114(2): P. 775-793. DOI: 10.1785/0120230213. P. 775-793
- ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system performance during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 110(4): p. 1904-1923. DOI: 10.1785/0120200032. p. 1904-1923
- From earthquake source parameters to ground-motion warnings near you : the ShakeAlert earthquake information to ground-motion (eqInfo2GM) method, Seismological Research Letters 90(3): p. 1243-1257. DOI: 10.1785/0220180245. p. 1243-1257