Staff profiles

Peter MurmuMaterials Scientist

Murmu Peter 2748



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  • MSc, Physics
  • PhD, Physics
  • BSc, Physics

Areas of expertise

  • Nuclear Physics: Ion Beam Analysis
  • Nuclear Physics: Ion implantation
  • Nuclear Physics: Nanotechnology
  • Engineering: Nanotechnology
  • Nuclear Physics: Materials Science
  • Nanotechnology: Metal oxide
  • Nanotechnology: nanoclusters

Major Publications

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  • Ahmed, S.; Murmu, P.P.; Sathish, C.I.; Guan, X.; Geng, R.; Bao, N.; Liu, R.; Kennedy, J.V.; Ding, J.; Peng, M.; Vinu, A.; Yi, J. 2023. Co- and Nd-codoping-induced high magnetization in layered MoS2 crystals, Physica Status Solidi. Rapid Research Letters 17(6): DOI: 10.1002/pssr.202200348.
  • Murmu, P.P.; Kennedy, J.V.; Liu, Z.; Mori, T. 2022. The role of sulfur valency on thermoelectric properties of sulfur ion implanted copper iodide, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 921: article 166103. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166103. article 166103
  • Murmu, P.P.; Markwitz, A.; Suschke, K.; Futter, R.J. 2014. A novel radial anode layer ion source for inner wall pipe coating and materials modification : hydrogenated diamond-like carbon coatings from butane gas, Review of scientific instruments 85(8): article 085118. DOI: 10.1063/1.4892813. article 085118
  • Kennedy, J.V.; Murmu, P.P.; Gupta, P.S.; Carder, D.A.; Chong, S.V.; Leveneur, J.; Rubanov, S. 2014. Effects of annealing on the structural and optical properties of zinc sulfide thin films deposited by ion beam sputtering, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 26: p. 561-566. DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2014.05.055. p. 561-566
  • Kennedy, J.V.; Williams, G.V.M.; Murmu, P.P.; Ruck, B.J. 2013. Intrinsic magnetic order and inhomogeneous transport in Gd-implanted zinc oxide, Physical review. B 88(21): article 214423. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.214423. article 214423
  • Murmu, P.P.; Kennedy, J.V.; Ruck, B.J.; Williams, G.V.M.; Markwitz, A.; Rubanov, S.; Suvorova, A.A. 2012. Effect of annealing on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Gd-implanted ZnO thin films, Journal of materials science 47(3): p. 1119-1126. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-011-5883-z. p. 1119-1126
  • Murmu, P.P.; Kennedy, J.V.; Williams, G.V.M.; Ruck, B.J.; Granville, S.; Chong, S.V. 2012. Observation of magnetism, low resistivity, and magnetoresistance in the near-surface region of Gd implanted ZnO, Applied Physics Letters 101(8): 082408. DOI: 10.1063/1.4747525. 082408
  • Murmu, P.P.; Mendelsberg, R.J.; Kennedy, J.V.; Carder, D.A.; Ruck, B.J.; Markwitz, A.; Reeves, R.J.; Malar, P.; Osipowicz, T. 2011. Structural and photoluminescence properties of Gd implanted ZnO single crystals, Journal of Applied Physics 110(3): 033534. DOI: 10.1063/1.3619852. 033534


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