Rory HartAsset Manager - Geohazards Monitoring
Rory is a senior research and field technician within the Earth Structure and Processes Department. He uses geodetic (GNSS) and magnetotelluric (MT) field methods to understand the deformation of the Earth's surface and how heat moves through the crust. His particular research interests include: GNSS surveying, terrestrial and marine MT, semi-continuous monitoring and the development of new methods/technologies to enhance the data quality and reliability of these techniques.
- BSc, Geology/Geophysics
- MSc, Geophysics
Areas of expertise
- Business Development: Field Work
- Business Development: GPS
- Business Development: Glaciology
- Business Development: Geodymanics
- Business Development: Outreach
- Business Development: Records Management
- Business Development: Risk Assessment
- Business Development: science communication
- Business Development: Risk Communication
- Business Development: Project management
- Business Development: Risk reduction
- Business Development: Database Administration
- Business Development: Documentation and Contracts
- Business Development: Event management
- Business Development: Experimental Earth Science
- Business Development: Hazard Assessment
- Business Development: Magnetotellurics
- Business Development: Technical Development