Staff profiles

Stuart HenrysPrincipal Research Geophysicist

Henrys Stuart 1350





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Stuart is the Land and Marine Geoscience Theme leader and coordinates national and international geoscience research initiatives, many of which are delivered in partnership with government agencies, CRIs, universities, and iwi/Māori. The primary focus is on the generating new ideas and knowledge, which underpins all of GNS’ Earth Science disciplines. Stuart’s key areas of input and influence is in understanding the processes that shape Te Riu-a-Māui Zealandia helping New Zealand Improve predictive capability for geological hazards, understand global-scale and deep-time environmental change variability and impacts, and identify new sustainable natural resources. He is the Chair of GeoDiscoveryNZ which coordinates our membership in global scientific drilling in partnership with the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP).


  • PhD
  • BSc
  • MSc

Areas of expertise

  • Geophysics: Exploration Geophysics
  • Geophysics: Gas Hydrates
  • Geophysics: Seismic Reflection
  • Geophysics: Seismic Stratigraphy
  • Geophysics: Swath mapping
  • Geology: Tectonics
  • Geology: Structural Geology
  • Geophysics: Marine Geophysics
  • Geology: Basin studies

Major Publications

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  • Ellis, S.M.; Fagereng, A.; Barker, D.H.N.; Henrys, S.A.; Saffer, D.; Wallace, L.M.; Williams, C.A.; Harris, R. 2015. Fluid budgets along the northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand : the effect of a subducting seamount on fluid pressure, Geophysical Journal International 202(1): p. 277-297. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggv127. p. 277-297
  • Beggs, M.; Wood, R.A.; Henrys, S.A.; Stagpoole, V.M. 2008. A roadmap for the commercial development of New Zealand's gas hydrate resources Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2008/06 12 p.
  • Johnston, L.; Wilson, G.S.; Gorman, A.R.; Henrys, S.A.; Horgan, H.; Clark, R.; Naish, T.R. 2008. Cenozoic basin evolution beneath the southern McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Global and Planetary Change 62(1/2): p. 61-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.11.004. p. 61-76
  • Pecher, I.A.; Henrys, S.A.; Ellis, S.M.; Crutchley, G.J.; Fohrmann, M.; Gorman, A.R.; Greinert, J.; Chiswell, S.; TAN0607 Scientific Party; SO191 Scientific Party 2008. Erosion of seafloor ridges at the top of the gas hydrate stability zone, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand : new insights from research cruises between 2005 and 2007, 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 6-10, 2008 : final program and book of abstracts : p. 136-137 (abstract P-158). p. 136-137 (abstract P-158)
  • Henrys, S.A.; Wilson, T.; Whittaker, J.M.; Fielding, C.; Hall, J.; Naish, T.R. 2008. Tectonic history of mid-Miocene to present southern Victoria Land Basin, inferred from seismic stratigraphy in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Antarctica : a keystone in a changing world : proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Santa Barbara, California, August 26 to September 1, 2007 : Short research paper 049. DOI: 10.3133/of2007-1047.srp049. Short research paper 049
  • Henrys, S.A.; Pecher, I.A.; Gorman, A.R.; Crutchley, G.J.; CHARMNZ Working Group 2008. Gas hydrate resources on New Zealand accretionary margins, 2008 New Zealand Petroleum Conference proceedings : beyond 08 : 8 p.. 8 p.
  • Hall, J.; Wilson, T.; Henrys, S.A. 2008. Structure of the central Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica, Antarctica : a keystone in a changing world : proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Santa Barbara, California, August 26 to September 1, 2007 : Short research paper 108. DOI: 10.3133/of2007-1047.srp108. Short research paper 108
  • Fielding, C.R.; Whittaker, J.; Henrys, S.A.; Wilson, T.J.; Naish, T.R. 2008. Seismic facies and stratigraphy of the Cenozoic succession in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica : implications for tectonic, climatic and glacial history, Antarctica : a keystone in a changing world : proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Santa Barbara, California, August 26 to September 1, 2007 : Short research paper 090. DOI: 10.3133/of2007-1047.srp090. Short research paper 090
  • Crutchley, G.J.; Gorman, A.R.; Pecher, I.A.; Henrys, S.A. 2008. Full-waveform inversion of bottom-simulating reflections and anomalies in the regional gas hydrate stability zone beneath Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand, 5th EGU General Assembly 2008 : abstract EGU2008-A-03280. abstract EGU2008-A-03280
  • Stern, T.A.; Okaya, D.A.; Kleffmann, S.; Scherwath, M.; Henrys, S.A.; Davey, F.J. 2007. Geophysical exploration and dynamics of the Alpine Fault zone, A continental plate boundary : tectonics at South Island, New Zealand : p. 207-233. p. 207-233
  • Davey, F.J.; Eberhart-Phillips, D.; Kohler, M.D.; Bannister, S.; Caldwell, T.G.; Henrys, S.A.; Scherwath, M.; Stern, T.A.; van Avendonk, H. 2007. Geophysical structure of the Southern Alps orogen, South Island, New Zealand, A continental plate boundary : tectonics at South Island, New Zealand : p. 47-73. p. 47-73
  • Pecher, I.A.; Coffin, R.; Henrys, S.A.; CHARMNZ Working Group 2007. Tangaroa TAN0607 cruise report : gas hydrate exploration on the East Coast, North Island, New Zealand Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2007/29 112 p.
  • Okaya, D.A.; Stern, T.A.; Davey, F.J.; Henrys, S.A.; Cox, S.C. 2007. Continent-continent collision at the Pacific/Indo-Australian plate boundary : background, motivation, and principal results, A continental plate boundary : tectonics at South Island, New Zealand : p. 1-18. p. 1-18
  • Betterly, S.J.; Speece, M.A.; Levy, R.H.; Harwood, D.M.; Henrys, S.A. 2007. A novel over-sea-ice seismic reflection survey in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Terra Antartica 14(1/2): p. 97-106. p. 97-106
  • Sutherland, R.; Eberhart-Phillips, D.; Harris, R.A.; Stern, T.A.; Beavan, R.J.; Ellis, S.M.; Henrys, S.A.; Cox, S.C.; Norris, R.J.; Berryman, K.R.; Townend, J.; Bannister, S.; Pettinga, J.; Leitner, B.; Wallace, L.M.; Little, T.A.; Cooper, A.F.; Yetton, M 2007. Do great earthquakes occur on the Alpine Fault in central South Island, New Zealand?, A continental plate boundary : tectonics at South Island, New Zealand : p. 235-251. p. 235-251
  • Fielding, C.R.; Henrys, S.A.; Wilson, T.J. 2006. Rift history of the western Victoria Land Basin : a new perspective based on integration of cores with seismic reflection data, Antarctica : contributions to global earth sciences : proceedings of the IX International Symposium of Antarctic Earth Sciences Potsdam, 2003 : p. 309-318. p. 309-318
  • Henrys, S.A.; Reyners, M.E.; Pecher, I.A.; Bannister, S.; Nishimura, Y.; Maslen, G. 2006. Kinking of the subducting slab by escalator normal faulting beneath the North Island of New Zealand, Geology 34(9): DOI: 10.1130/G22594. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 3346
  • Henrys, S.A.; Naish, T.R.; Wilson, G.; Gorman, A.; Clifford, A.; Johnston, L.; Blakemore, H. 2006. ANDRILL 2005 site investigations/seismic surveys, McMurdo and southern McMurdo Ice Shelf, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica Lower Hutt: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2006/13 43 p.
  • Henrys, S.A.; Naish, T.R.; Wilson, G.; Gorman, A.; Clifford, A.; Hansara, D.; Johnston, L. 2006. ANDRILL 2005 seismic surveys, McMurdo and Southern McMurdo Ice Shelf, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 2006 annual Antarctic Conference : Antarctica, the great integrator : Victoria University of Wellington, 4-6 July : p. 64. p. 64
  • Naish, T.R.; Powell, R.D.; Barrett, P.J.; Horgan, H.; Dunbar, G.B.; Wilson, G.S.; Levy, R.H.; Robinson, N.; Carter, L.; Pyne, A.R.; Niessen, F.; Bannister, S.; Balfour, N.J.; Damaske, D.; Henrys, S.A.; Kyle, P.R.; Wilson, T. 2006. ANDRILL stratigraphic drilling project in McMurdo-Ross Ice Shelf : an overview of scientific objectives and update on site selection, Abstract volume 06 : SCAR XXIX/COMNAP XVIII, Hobart, Australia : SCAR Open Science Conference, 12-14 July, SCALOP Symposium, 13 July : Abstract 0491 (theme 113). Abstract 0491 (theme 113)
  • Pecher, I.A.; Ellis, S.M.; Faure, K.; Massoth, G.J.; Graham, I.J.; Henrys, S.A.; Chiswell, S.M.; Kukowski, N. 2005. Erosion of uplifted ridges at the top of gas hydrate stability and its implications : evidence from the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9 December 2005, San Francisco, California : p. F1091 (abstract OS33B-1474). p. F1091 (abstract OS33B-1474)
  • Hulme, T.; Haines, A.J..; Henrys, S.A. 2005. Seismic scattering signatures of small-scale heterogeneities : examples from the Mount Messenger Formation, New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 48(4): p. 609-621. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2005.9515137. p. 609-621
  • Pecher, I.A.; Henrys, S.A.; Ellis, S.M.; Chiswell, S.M.; Kukowski, N. 2005. Erosion of the seafloor at the top of the gas hydrate stability zone on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, Geophysical Research Letters 32(24): DOI: 10.1029/2005GL024687.
  • Naish, T.R.; Powell, R.; Barrett, P.; Horgan, H.; Dunbar, G.; Wilson, G.; Levy, R.H.; Robinson, N.; Carter, L.; Pyne, A.; Niessen, F.; Bannister, S.; Balfour, N.J.; Damaske, D.; Henrys, S.A.; Kyle, P.; Wilson, T. 2005. ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project scientific prospectus Lincoln, Neb.: ANDRILL Science Management Office. ANDRILL contribution 4 18 p.
  • Wilson, T.J.; Lawver, L.A.; Henrys, S.A.; Mukasa, S.; Horgan, H.; Weiderspahn, M.; Davis, M.; Whittaker, J.; Lowe, A.; Watson, M. 2004. Cruise report NBP0401 19 January to 18 February 2004 : McMurdo Station to McMurdo Station, Ross Sea, Antarctica Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2004/03 79 p. + 1CDROM
  • Pecher, I.A.; Henrys, S.A.; Zhu, H. 2004. Seismic images of gas conduits beneath vents and gas hydrates on Ritchie Ridge, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 47(2): p. 275-279. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2004.9515054. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 3067 p. 275-279
  • Henrys, S.A.; Woodward, D.J.; Okaya, D.; Yu, J. 2004. Mapping the Moho beneath the Southern Alps continent-continent collision, New Zealand, using wide-angle reflections, Geophysical Research Letters 31(17): L17602. DOI: 10.1029/2004GL020561. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 3105 L17602
  • Gerbault, M.; Henrys, S.A.; Davey, F.J. 2003. Numerical models of lithospheric deformation forming the Southern Alps of New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 108(B7): 2341. DOI: 10.1029/2001JB001716. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 2806 2341
  • Okaya, D.; Stern, T.; Holbrook, S.; Van Avendonk, H.; Davey, F.J.; Henrys, S.A. 2003. Imaging a plate boundary using double-sided onshore-offshore seismic profiling, Leading edge (Tulsa, Okla.) 22(3): p. 256-260. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 2701 p. 256-260
  • Henrys, S.A.; Bannister, S.; Pecher, I.A.; Davey, F.J.; Stern, T.; Stratford, W.R.; White, R.; Harrison, A.J.; Nishimura, Y.; Yamada, A. 2003. New Zealand North Island GeopHysical Transect (NIGHT) : field acquisition report Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2003/19 49 p.
  • Henrys, S.A.; Ellis, S.M.; Uruski, C.I. 2003. Conductive heat flow variations from bottom-simulating reflectors on the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, Geophysical Research Letters 30(2): 1065. DOI: 1029/2002GL015772. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 2792 1065
  • Henrys, S.A.; Reyners, M.E.; Bibby, H.M. 2003. Exploring the plate boundary structure of the North Island, New Zealand, Eos 84(31): p. 289, 294-295. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 2800 p. 289, 294-295
  • Pecher, I.A.; Henrys, S.A. 2003. Potential gas reserves in gas hydrate sweet spots on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2003/23 32 p.
  • Naish, T.R.; Woolfe, K.J.; Barrett, P.J.; Wilson, G.S.; Atkins, C.; Bohaty, S.M.; Buecker, C.J.; Claps, M.; Davey, F.J.; Dunbar, G.B.; Dunn, A.G.; Fielding, C.R.; Florindo, F.; Hannah, M.J.; Harwood, D.M.; Henrys, S.A.; Krissek, L.A.; Lavelle, M.; van der 2001. Orbitally induced oscillations in the East Antarctic ice sheet at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, Nature 413(6857): p. 719-723. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 2414 p. 719-723
  • Henrys, S.A.; Bartek, L.R.; Brancolini, G.; Luyendyk, B.P.; Hamilton, R.J.; Sorlien, C.C.; Davey, F.J. 1998. Seismic stratigraphy of the pre-Quaternary strata off Cape Roberts and their correlation with strata cored in the CIROS-1 drillhole, McMurdo Sound, Terra Antartica 5(3): p. 273-279. [s.l.]: [s.n.]. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 1739 p. 273-279
  • Bartek, L.R.; Henrys, S.A.; Anderson, J.B.; Barrett, P.J. 1996. Seismic stratigraphy of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica : implications for glacially influenced early Cenozoic eustatic change?, Marine Geology 130(1/2): p. 79-98. DOI: 10.1016/0025-3227(95)00121-2. [s.l.]: [s.n.]. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 989 p. 79-98
  • Davey, F.J.; Henrys, S.A.; Lodolo, E. 1995. Asymmetric rifting in a continental back-arc environment, North Island, New Zealand, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 68(1-3): p. 209-238. DOI: 10.1016/0377-0273(95)00014-L. [s.l.]: [s.n.]. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences contribution 304 p. 209-238
  • Henrys, S.A.; Levander, A.R.; Meltzer, A.S. 1993. Crustal structure of the offshore southern Santa Maria Basin and Transverse Ranges, southern California, from deep seismic reflection data, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 98(B5): p. 8335-8348. p. 8335-8348

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