Staff profiles

Yunmeng CaoInSAR Scientist

Cao Yunmeng 3681



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Dr. Yunmeng Cao is a space geodesy scientist whose work focusses on using satellite radar technology to detect Earth surface’s displacements that are associated with a wide range of geophysical and geotechnical processes, such as seismic- and volcanic-activities, earthquake- and climate-induced landslides, underground resource extraction caused surface movements, and infrastructure damages. His research explores advanced approaches to improve satellite geodesy for better geoscience applications. He presents a series of novel methods to model and correct InSAR atmospheric delays, and he develops a couple of open-source toolboxes to process InSAR data precisely, automatically, and rapidly, that are used across the satellite geodesy community. He proposes a new phase-gradient-based InSAR time-series approach to detect local landslides signals over large areas even with strong background signals and errors, which helps us to identify and forecast upcoming hazardous landslides. His research accelerates our resilience to natural hazards.


  • PhD
  • BSc

Areas of expertise

  • Geophysics: Geodetic data analysis
  • Geophysics: Crustal deformation and neotectonics
  • Geophysics: Modelling
  • Geophysics: Landslide monitoring
  • Geophysics: Volcano Geodesy
  • Geophysics: Landslide Modelling
  • Geophysics: Programming
  • Geophysics: InSAR Geodesy
  • Geophysics: InSAR Geophysics

Major Publications

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  • Cao, Y.; Jónsson, S.; Hreinsdóttir, S. 2023. Iceland kinematics from InSAR, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 128(3): e2022JB025546. DOI: 10.1029/2022JB025546. e2022JB025546
  • Cao, Y.; Hamling, I.J.; Massey, C.I.; Upton, P. 2023. Slow-moving landslides triggered by the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand : a new InSAR phase-gradient based time-series approach, Geophysical Research Letters 50(4): e2022GL102064. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL102064. e2022GL102064
  • Cao, Y.; Jónsson, S.; Li, Z. 2021. Advanced InSAR tropospheric corrections from global atmospheric models that incorporate spatial stochastic properties of the troposphere, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 126(5): e2020JB020952. DOI: 10.1029/2020JB020952. e2020JB020952
  • Li, X.; Jónsson, S.; Cao, Y. 2021. Interseismic deformation from Sentinel-1 burst-overlap interferometry : application to the southern Dead Sea fault, Geophysical Research Letters 48(16): e2021GL093481. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL093481. e2021GL093481
  • Cao, Y.; Li, Z.; Duan, M.; Wei, J. 2020. High-resolution water vapor maps obtained by merging interferometric synthetic aperture radar and GPS measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 126(1): e2020JD033430. DOI: 10.1029/2020JD033430. e2020JD033430
  • Li, Z.; Cao, Y.; Wei, J.; Duan, M.; Wu, L.; Hou, J.; Zhu, J. 2019. Time-series InSAR ground deformation monitoring : atmospheric delay modeling and estimating, Earth-Science Reviews 192: p. 258-284. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.03.008. p. 258-284
  • Cao, Y.; Li, Z.; Amelung, F. 2019. Mapping ground displacement by a multiple phase difference-based InSAR approach : with stochastic model estimation and turbulent troposphere mitigation, Journal of Geodesy 93(9): p. 1313-1333. DOI: 10.1007/s00190-019-01248-8. p. 1313-1333
  • Cao, Y.; Li, Z.; Wei, J.; Hu, J.; Duan, M.; Feng, G. 2018. Stochastic modeling for time series InSAR : with emphasis on atmospheric effects, Journal of Geodesy 92(2): p. 185-204. DOI: 10.1007/s00190-017-1055-5. p. 185-204

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