National Paleontological Collection (NPC) (digital and…"> National Paleontological Collection (NPC) (digital and…">

New Zealand National Paleontological Collection and Associated Databases


This resource includes the National Paleontological Collection (NPC) as well as four other resources that represent a comprehensive central resource relating to current paleontological knowledge of New Zealand. This is a Nationally Significant resource.

Nationally Significant Databases are those datasets and collections registered as important for New Zealand, and as such are supported by long-term government funding.


The five resources that comprise the New Zealand National Paleontological Collection and Associated Databases are:

The NPC includes comprehensive stratigraphic and geological collections of fossil taxa from New Zealand and its surrounding area (including the Pacific Islands and Antarctica). Much of the physical collection is housed at the GNS Science Avalon campus. Catalogue information is digital and available online.

Access to the collection is by appointment only. Some items from the NPC can be viewed by the public at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa or at other specially-organised exhibits.

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