Tectonic & Bathymetric Maps


This collection contains a series of three tectonic and bathymetric maps: bathymetric map of Lake Rotomahana, New Zealand; bathymetric map of Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia (scale 1:8 500 000); and tectonic map of Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia (scale 1:8 500 000). Digital versions of each are available for free.


This map poster shows a detailed map of the lake floor of Lake Rotomahana at a scale of 1:11 000. As well as the main bathymetric map, there are three smaller maps and two seismic cross sections.

For the Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia resources, the bathymetric map poster shows the height and shape of the solid Earth within and near Earth's eighth continent as if the oceans had been drained of water and the tectonic map poster shows the main tectonic features of the region within and near Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia.

These map posters are intended for education and scientific research. The information is indicative and representative, rather than comprehensive. GNS Science accepts no liability for any loss or damage, direct or indirect resulting from the use of the information provided in this poster. GNS Science does not make any representation in respect of the information's accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose.

Digital versions are free and printed versions are available for a small fee.

Cite as: See specific map for details.

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