Media portal

Outside of emergency event response we will respond to media queries during business hours.
For all media queries please contact our Communications Duty Team:
Mobile: 021 574 541
Please note text messages are not actively monitored on this number.
Earthquake resources
Earthquake key messaging (PDF, 122 KB)
Fact Sheets
Earthquake fact sheet (PDF, 199 KB)
Earthquake terms glossary (PDF, 196 KB)
Understanding ground shaking (PDF, 205 KB)
Understanding hazard, impact and risk (PDF, 176 KB)
Understanding probability (PDF, 207 KB)
View recent quakes on GeoNet(external link)
Search for an earthquake in the New Zealand earthquake catalogue(external link)
Historical Events(external link)
What are earthquake swarms(external link)
Slow-Slip earthquakes (external link)
Earthquake statistics(external link)
What to do before, during and after an earthquake(external link)
Tsunami resources
Tsunami key messaging (PDF, 140 KB)
DART (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami)(external link)
Tsunami Gauge Network Data(external link)
Historical Tsunami (external link)
The National Emergency Management Agency is the provider of official tsunami warnings and advisories for New Zealand. The following guide describes the end-to-end tsunami warning process, and how the Agency, GNS Science, CDEM Groups, and the media can all work together to keep communities safe.
We have a selection of B-roll available for your use e.g. Geohazards, National Geohazards Monitoring Centre,
Please contact our team for access.
Brand resources
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