11th ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science) International Workshop

11th ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science) International Workshop, Blenheim, New Zealand, 28 February - 3 March, 2023
IMPORTANT! If you are planning to attend you should book your accommodation immediately! See accommodation section below.
We are pleased to announce that the 11th ACES International Workshop will be held at the Marlborough Convention Centre in Blenheim, New Zealand. Blenheim is located in the northern part of the South Island, and is close to the location of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake.
The ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science) is a multi-lateral grand challenge science research cooperation of APEC (http://aces-apec.org.cn(external link)). The project is supported by Australia, China, Japan, and USA (core members) as well as Canada, Chinese Taipei, New Zealand, and South Korea (members).
It involves leading international earthquake science research groups. ACES aims to develop realistic simulation models, thus providing a "virtual laboratory" to probe earthquake behaviour and to access its potential hazards. This capability will offer a new opportunity to gain an improved understanding of the earthquake process and related phenomena, and of earthquake science in general.
Registration is now closed
Registration is now closed.
PLEASE NOTE: This is peak tourist season in the Marlborough region and accommodation should be booked immediately.
Due to this being at the high tourism season, accommodation providers will not allow us to secure blocks of rooms for attendees. Instead, you must book accommodation individually, and please do so ASAP. Please refer to the list of nearby hotels (PDF, 4.1 MB).
If you have difficulty securing accommodation, please contact the Marlborough i-sites: 0800 777181.
For additional tourist information on the Marlborough region, please refer to the tourist information (PDF, 4.2 MB).
We are pleased to announce that the 11th ACES International Workshop will be held at the Marlborough Convention Centre in Blenheim(external link), New Zealand, from 28 February - 3 March 2023. Blenheim is located in the northern part of the South Island, and is close to the location of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake.
Meeting Sessions
Earthquake nucleation and rupture dynamics
Current invited speakers:
- Yoshihiro Kaneko (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Lingling Ye (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)Subduction megathrust processes
Current invited speakers:
- Shuichi Kodaira (JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan)
- Andrea Perez-Silva (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)Tsunami processes and hazard
Current invited speakers:
- Alice Gabriel (Scripps Institute of Oceanography, San Diego, California, USA)
- Aditya Gusman (GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand)Next-generation approaches to seismic hazard
Current invited speakers:
- Kuo-Fong Ma (Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
- Bruce Shaw (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New York, USA)
- Matt Gerstenberger (GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand)Earthquake cycle processes and rheology
Current invited speakers:
- Kaj Johnson (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
- Kali Allison (University of California, Davis, California, USA) -
Oral-01 (Tuesday, 28 February) Introduction, Tsunami, Earthquake cycles (PDF, 55 KB) Oral-02 (Wednesday, 1 March) Earthquake cycles, Seismic hazard (PDF, 49 KB) Oral-03 (Thursday, 2 March) Seismic hazard, Subduction megathrust (PDF, 49 KB) Oral-04 (Friday, 3 March) Subduction megathrust, Earthquake rupture/nucleation (PDF, 48 KB) Poster-01 (28 February-1 March) Tsunami, Earthquake cycles, Seismic Hazard (PDF, 43 KB) Poster-02 (2-3 March) Subduction megathrust, Earthquake rupture/nucleation (PDF, 44 KB) Abstract volume Oral presentations:
- Presenters should upload a copy of their talk to the provided link at least one day prior to their talk.
- Talks should be named as follows: TTTT-DDD-LASTNAME.pptx, where TTTT is the 4-digit start time of the talk and DDD is the 3-letter day abbreviation. An example would be: 1415-THU-WILLIAMS.pptx.
- Talks should be 16:9 aspect ratio, although 4:3 may also work.
Poster presentations:
- Posters should be A0 portrait size. Please do not do landscape posters.
- Posters may be attached to the poster boards using either velcro dots or push pins, which will be provided at the venue.
- Note that each poster session is two days, and posters should be removed at the end of the session.
- There are dedicated poster sessions on Wednesday (Session 01) and Thursday (Session 02) afternoon.
Presentation Information
The workshop will consist of invited oral presentations, regular oral presentations, and posters. Each invited oral presentation will be 30 minutes total (25 minutes for the talk plus 5 minutes for questions). Each regular oral presentation will be 15 minutes total (12 minutes for the talk plus 3 minutes for questions).
There will be two poster sessions during the workshop. The first (Tsunami, Seismic cycle, and Seismic hazard) will be held on the first two days (Tuesday and Wednesday) of the workshop. The second (Subduction megathrust and Earthquake rupture/nucleation) will be on Thursday and Friday. Posters should be A0 portrait size. There will be 4 double-sided poster boards that are each 2 m in length, allowing us to have 4 posters per board (16 posters total). Posters can be attached to the boards using pins, velcro, or blue tack. These will be provided at the venue.
Abstract Submissions are now closed
Abstract submission is now closed.
Important Dates (all dates and times are NZDT):
2 December, 2022 (midnight, NZDT): Abstract submission closes. 7 December, 2022 (approximately): Workshop registration opens. 18 January, 2023 (midnight, NZDT): Workshop and field trip registration closes. 2 March, 2023: Workshop dinner at Wither Hills Winery, 6-9 PM 28 February - 3 March, 2023: Workshop sessions and posters. 28 February, 2023: Workshop icebreaker at Biddy Kate’s, 5:30-8:00 PM 4 March, 2023: Kaikōura field trip (starts in Blenheim and ends in Christchurch). Transport leaves Blenheim at 7:30 am. Provisionally arrives 5:30 pm at the airport and 5:45 pm to 6 pm in the central city.
Field trip
There will be a 1-day field trip providing an overview of the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake ruptures on Saturday 4th March, the day after the conference. This field trip will cover, major faults that ruptured in 2016 (such as the Kekerengu, Papatea and Hundalee faults), as well as the widespread and highly variable coseismic coastal uplift and subsidence. We will also highlight several unanswered questions surrounding the rupture process of this intriguing, highly complex earthquake. The field sites visited are located amongst some of the most spectacular coastal and mountain scenery in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The field trip will depart from Blenheim early on Saturday 4th March, finishing in Christchurch that evening. Cost of field trip and a packed lunch is $126.50, including GST.
Transport leaves Blenheim at 7:30 am. Provisionally arrives 5:30 pm at the airport and 5:45 pm to 6 pm in the central city.