GNS announces workforce changes

Media Release

24 September 2024

3492 Lake Hawera Lloyd Homer GNS Science 1 with logo white

GNS Science has concluded a comprehensive consultation process and is preparing to implement workforce changes that were shared with staff today.

Staff were advised in June that workforce reductions were a difficult but necessary step in achieving improved financial sustainability. The consultation process began in July on the proposed changes.

The change decisions announced reflect a high volume of well-considered advice received by the leadership team. As a result of feedback, 29 changes were made to the proposals. These changes include the retention of seven roles that were initially proposed to be disestablished.

GNS has told staff that in total, 96 positions will be disestablished of which 28 are currently vacant. 37 new roles are being established, 14 of which are ring-fenced for redeployment. GNS is working closely with all staff members whose positions have been disestablished, supporting them to consider their next steps which may include redeployment.

“Reducing the size of our workforce is necessary to help GNS become more financially sustainable in a challenging operating and economic environment. GNS needs to be in a stronger financial position to ensure we can continue to deliver the critical science that New Zealand needs” says GNS Science Chief Executive, Chelydra Percy. 

“This is difficult news that impacts our people, particularly those whose positions have been disestablished. The decisions in no way reflect the capability or contribution of the people affected. Their hard work and dedication has made a difference to GNS and to our work for New Zealand. Continuing to support them as they consider their next steps, which may include redeployment, remains my top priority.

“GNS is proud of the important role it plays in delivering science that makes a difference for New Zealand and its economy – supporting decision makers to keep people safe and resilient in the face of natural hazards and a changing climate, and delivering science, innovation, and technology that drives us towards a more sustainable energy future. 

“These decisions mean we have diverse capabilities to deliver this critical science, while also ensuring that we have sufficient funding and resources for all our staff to contribute fully.  

“As we move forward from these decisions, we will continue to focus on improving our financial performance and our ability to deliver impactful science. We will optimise how we work as an organisation, identify efficiencies in our systems and processes, and secure research opportunities that provide us new revenue. 

“Ultimately, our goal is to enable GNS to make strategic investments in the people, the capabilities, the assets, and the infrastructure required to deliver the biggest and most relevant impact for New Zealand through our science.” 

Notes for editor: 

  • 96 positions disestablished, 28 of which are currently vacant. 
  • 37 new positions established.
  • Following direct (five) and ring-fenced contestable (nine) redeployment opportunities, some of the remaining 54 people in positions being disestablished may be deployed into new and existing vacant roles.
  • People in positions being disestablished without secured redeployment (no direct reappointment opportunity) are now able to express their interest in the vacant and newly established positions.
  • Disestablished roles include: 
    • 41 roles within our science group. This includes positions in basin analysis, petrology, geothermal modelling, risk modelling, biochemistry, paleontology, geophysics, earth data science, seismology, geodynamics, and sedimentology and our GeoNet and National Seismic Hazard Model programmes.
    • 18 roles within our enabling functions. This includes positions within our People and Culture Group, our Business Services Group, our Research Strategy and Partnerships Group, and our Māori, and Stakeholder Engagement Group.
    • Note that not all roles are full time, and some people may fulfil more than one role.
  • As a result of feedback, 29 changes were made to the proposals. These changes include the retention of seven roles that were previously proposed to be disestablished.


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