Macropaleontology/ Sedimentology Laboratory

The Macropaleontology/Sedimentology Laboratory is a key first step in the processing of geoscience samples collected in the field.
The work undertaken in this lab links closely to the objectives of the Micropaleontology Lab, the National Paleontological Collection and the National Petrology Reference Collection, as well as contributing to many other science areas across GNS.
Our Expertise
We provide facilities, equipment and expertise for the preparation, description and curation of macrofossils, and rock and mineral samples. Our lab also provides suitable space for the cutting, description and sub-sampling of sedimentary cores.
Our Equipment
Our lab is equipped with a large bench-top rock-cutting saw, air scribers for the preparation of macrofossils, dust and fume extraction systems and a sieve shaker for grain size analysis. As needed, additional equipment, such a hand-held XRF analyser and core splitter, can be brought in for specific projects. We can also supply equipment for the collection of geoscience samples in the field. The large space available is suitable for preparation and calibration of field monitoring equipment.

The lab supports the work of a wide range of researchers and contributes to science areas across GNS. In particular, the lab contributes to the work of the Nationally Significant Collections and Databases programme, the Environment and Climate Theme, Understanding Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia programme and projects aimed at understanding past natural hazard events. The lab is available to both internal researchers and external collaborators and university students. The space may also be used for teaching and outreach initiatives. The lab has also been used by GNS Science personnel for commercial contract work.
Our Location
We are located in the Fleming Centre building at the Avalon campus of GNS Science, Lower Hutt.