Māori Partnerships and RelationshipsNgā Pātuitanga Māori me Ngā Hononga

By their very nature, Papatūānuku (the Earth) and the Earth System are vast and intricately connected.
It follows that the work we do must also be connected – to Aotearoa New Zealand’s wider science system, to government policy priorities and direction, to our Māori and iwi partners, to industry stakeholders and to New Zealand communities.
Our interactions and relationships with iwi/Māori are guided by the key principles of the Treaty of Waitangi: participation, protection and partnership.
Strategy in action
In our day-to-day work, GNS actively and proactively seeks to build and strengthen our relationships and partnerships with iwi/Māori by:
- Explicitly weaving the future interests of iwi/Māori into our Science Roadmap
- Building Vision Mātauranga into our Science Theme research and priority areas and actively using mātauranga Māori in our work
- Supporting the development of iwi-led research and development strategies
- Promoting greater collaboration across the Science system and with Māori to build resilience and address issues of climate change, water availability, land use, alternative energy and natural hazards and risk
- Engaging with education providers to develop Māori research and innovation capability
Our strategy
GNS is committed to increasing our understanding of Māori science needs and expectations. Te Punawai o Rangiatea, our Māori Strategic Plan, provides critical guidance and direction to enable GNS to create enduring and sustainable relationships with tangata whenua - iwi, hapū, whānau and Māori. The plan It details our shared moemoea (vision), whainga (mission), tikanga (values), kawa (actions) and kaupapa (outcomes).
Vison Mātauranga | Te Uaratanga Mātauranga
Vison Mātauranga is the government’s research policy framework, designed to unlock the innovation potential of Māori knowledge, resources and people to assist New Zealanders to create a better future.
Vision Mātauranga is at the core of the GNS Science Strategic Framework. We are genuinely committed to increasing our understanding of Māori science needs and expectations and growing our capability to implement and support Vision Mātauranga in our work.
Our relationships
Our aspiration is that Māori worldviews, priorities and needs are clearly visible and reflected in our organisational ways of working, our culture and our strategic direction. In partnership with iwi/Maori, we want to unlock the science and innovation potential of Māori knowledge, resources and people to benefit all of Aotearoa New Zealand and all New Zealanders.
Our work | Ā mātau mahi
We are proud of the work we do with and for Māori communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.