Gas hydratesThe potential and challenges


Vast areas of offshore New Zealand are thought to contain gas hydrates. They are a potential source of energy, play a role in seafloor stability, are important for marine biodiversity, and may be linked with past and future climate change.


Gas hydrates are ice-like substances that contain natural gas (usually methane) surrounded by water molecules. They occur where the temperature is relatively low and pressure is relatively high. In nature, this means they are common in marine sediments beneath the ocean at water depths over about 500m, as well as in frozen soils (permafrost) in the Arctic.

Gas hydrate mound
Photo: Gas hydrate mound at the seafloor on the Southern Hikurangi Margin. Image credit ROV ROPOS taken during research voyage TAN2102.

New Zealand’s largest known gas hydrate province is located on the Hikurangi Margin, east of the North Island. There is a smaller province southwest of Fiordland. There is also some evidence for gas hydrates in the Taranaki Basin, west of New Zealand.

The project aim to

  • identify the role of gas hydrates in the global climate past and future
  • identify their role in ocean chemistry past and future
  • understand ecosystem services provided by cold seeps connected to gas hydrates
  • determine whether gas hydrates are a factor in underwater landslides and slope failures
  • understand the role gas hydrates could play as an alternative energy resource

To achieve these objectives, we are

  • acquiring geophysical, geological and biological data at sites of known gas hydrate accumulations along the southern Hikurangi Margin offshore from the Wairarapa
  • determining the extent and characteristics of gas hydrate accumulations using geophysical data and geological samples
  • undertaking detailed sampling at seep sites to relate variations in community structure to variations in the availability of methane and sulphide at the seabed
  • using models to investigate the geomechanics and economic feasibility of gas hydrate production
  • investigating cultural/iwi Māori values and interests associated with the marine environment:
    • giving special attention to the deep-sea environment, seabed, and gas hydrate
    • exploring the risk and concerns of iwi and their communities regarding commercial extractive activities in their marine area/rohe moana, with special attention given to gas hydrates

The project

Are gas hydrates a future energy resource?

On the global stage, the main reason for studying gas hydrates is to understand the role they could play as an alternative energy resource. They are sometimes viewed as a “bridging fuel” that could help us move from a carbon-dominated energy landscape to one of cleaner, renewable energy resources.

Gas hydrates are a type of fossil fuel, but with an advantage – they are cleaner-burning than coal and oil. Countries like Japan, the US and India have advanced government-funded research programmes that are investigating the energy potential of gas hydrates and issues that would be involved in exploiting the resource.

Since 2010, the New Zealand Government has also funded research programmes to investigate our offshore potential gas hydrate energy resources.

Climate, chemistry, ecology and submarine landslips

Gas hydrates present opportunities and challenges beyond their potential as an energy resource.

  • Global climate and ocean chemistry past and future. We know changes in ocean temperature can cause gas hydrates to break down, a process that can release methane gas into the oceans and have a flow-on effect for ocean chemistry.
Photo from NDSF ROV Jason - dense fields of tubeworms and mussels cover large areas of the seafloor at seep sites. Such concentrations were previously unknown in this region. Evan Solomon, chief scientist, University of Washington, with Co-PIs Marta Torres and Rob Harris, Oregon State University. @NSF_Geo © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Dense mussels on an outcrop of authigenic carbonate at a seep site on the southern Hikurangi Margin. Photo from ROV ROPOS, taken during research voyage TAN2102.
  • Seafloor ecology. How do gas hydrates interact with biological communities on the seafloor? They influence the flow of methane through the seafloor which is important for sustaining oases of life in the form of chemosynthetic biological communities that use methane as a food source.
  • Submarine landslides. Parts of the seafloor can collapse and cause enormous underwater landslides. They are typically much larger than those on land and can generate devastating tsunamis. It has been suggested that the breakdown of gas hydrates could cause widespread sediment weakening, contributing to the hazard of submarine landslides.

Opportunities and implications of energy extraction from gas hydrates

Gas hydrates exist beneath large areas of New Zealand’s seafloor. They present an unconventional energy resource as they contain large quantities of natural gas.

Recovering even a small fraction of this potentially huge resource could be a major boost to our economy and energy security. Increasing demand for energy has driven commercial exploration for oil and gas, but projects in deep water off New Zealand’s East Coast may require drilling through gas hydrates.

One of the aims of this research is to assess the economic opportunities, cultural values and environmental risks for Aotearoa New Zealand if we were to ever consider using gas hydrates as an energy resource. The lessons we learn here will also help to inform other countries that are investigating gas hydrates as an energy resource.

Our research

We are running marine, economic and social science research projects to investigate the balance between the economic opportunities, cultural values and environmental risks associated with extracting gas hydrates.

We want to find out where and how gas hydrates could be produced economically, while also investigating whether production would be socially and environmentally acceptable. Our social engagement strategy will encourage informed discussion between scientists, government, industry and the public about the role of gas hydrates in New Zealand’s future energy landscape and our responsibilities for the natural environment, both locally and globally. In our research programme we pose two high level questions:

  • Could feasible hydrocarbon production scenarios, either directly from gas hydrates or through gas hydrates, significantly impact seafloor stability, ecology or ocean biogeochemistry?
  • What would be the likely socioeconomic implications of gas hydrate production in New Zealand?
  • Research expeditions

    TAN2012, November 2020

    TAN1904, July 2019

    TAN1808, September-October 2018

    SO247, April-May 2016

    TAN1508, June 2015

    SCHLIP3D, April-May 2014

    CHRIMP January-March 2013

    NEMESYS – R/V Sonne, March-April 2011

    NewVents - R/V Sonne SO-191, January-March 2007

    CHARMNZ - R/V Tangaroa TAN0607, June-July 2006

  • Completed projects

    Gas hydrates and seafloor stability

    Gas hydrates may be a significant natural hazard as their large volumes of gas may weaken the seafloor, causing submarine landslides and tsunamis.

    Methane release through gas hydrate zones

    The release of methane from a gas hydrate-bearing seafloor is not yet well understood. Whether it is released or stored in sediment layers, destabilisation will have a major effect on the global carbon cycle.

    Heat flow from the depth of the base of gas hydrate stability

    Knowledge of temperatures deep in the earth is important to understand plate dynamics, particularly along subduction zones like New Zealand’s Hikurangi margin.

  • Publications


    Kroeger, K.F., Crutchley, G.J., Hillman, J.I.T., Turco, F. Barnes, P. (2021) Gas hydrate formation beneath thrust ridges: A test of concepts using 3D modelling at the southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 135

    Crutchley, G.J., Mountjoy, J.J., Hillman, J.I.T., Turco, F., Watson, S., Flemings, P.B. Davy, B., Woelz, S., Gorman, A.R., Bialas, J. (2021), Upward doming zones of gas hydrate and free gas around the bases of gas chimneys, New Zealand’s Hikurangi Margin, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 10.1029/2020JB021489

    Pecher, I A, Crutchley, G J, Kroeger, K, Hillman, J I T, Mountjoy, J, Coffin, R and Gorman, A (in press) New Zealand’s Gas Hydrate Systems, In: World Atlas on Gas Hydrates, Springer


    Turco, F., Crutchley, G. J., Gorman, A. R., Mountjoy, J. J., Hillman, J. I. T. and Woelz, S.(2020) Seismic velocity and reflectivity analysis of concentrated gas hydrate deposits on the southern Hikurangi Margin (New Zealand), Mar. Pet. Geol., 120, 104572, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104572

    Hillman, J I T, Crutchley, G J and Kroeger, K (2020) Investigating the role of faults in fluid migration and gas hydrate formation along the southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, Special Issue on Recent advances in Characterizing Marine Gas Hydrate Systems, Marine Geophysical Research, Vol. 41(1),

    Watson, S.J., Mountjoy, J.J., Barnes, P.M., Crutchley, G.J., Lamarche, G., Higgs, B., Hillman, J.I.T., Orpin, A.R., Neil, H., Mitchell, J., Pallentin, A., Kane, T., Woelz, S., Bowden, D., Rowden, A., and Pecher, I.A., (2020) Fluid seepage related to variations in accretionary wedge dynamics, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, Geology, 10.1130/G46666.1


    Higgs, B., Mountjoy, J.J., Crutchley, G.J., Townend, J., Ladroit, Y., Greinert, J., McGovern, C., 2019. Seep-bubble characteristics and gas flow rates from a shallow-water, high-density seep field on the shelf-to-slope transition of the Hikurangi subduction margin. Mar. Geol. 417, 105985. link)

    Hillman, J I T (2019) Fiery Ice – Gas Hydrates, Frontiers for Young Minds, Vol. 7(96), link)

    Hillman, J I T (2019) Mapping the oceans, Frontiers for Young Minds, Vol. 7(25), link)   

    Hoffmann, J.J.L., Gorman, A.R., Crutchley, G.J., 2019. Seismic evidence for repeated vertical fluid flow through polygonally faulted strata in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand. Mar. Pet. Geol. 109, 317–329. link)


    Carey, J.M., Crutchley, G.J., Mountjoy, J.J., Petley, D.N., McSaveney, M.J., Lyndsell, B., 2018. Slow episodic movement driven by elevated pore-fluid pressures in shallow subaqueous slopes. Geomorphology. link)

    Crutchley, G.J., Kroeger, K.F., Pecher, I.A., Gorman, A.R., 2018. How tectonic folding influences gas hydrate formation: New Zealand’s Hikurangi subduction margin. Geology 47, 39–42. link)

    Gross, F., Mountjoy, J.J., Crutchley, G.J., Böttner, C., Koch, S., Bialas, J., Pecher, I., Woelz, S., Dannowski, A., Micallef, A., Huhn, K., Krastel, S., 2018. Free gas distribution and basal shear zone development in a subaqueous landslide – Insight from 3D seismic imaging of the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, New Zealand. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 502, 231–243. link)

    Jess I. T. Hillman, Ingo Klaucke, Ingo A. Pecher, Andrew R. Gorman, Jens Schneider von Deimling, Joerg Bialas, 2018. The influence of submarine currents associated with the Subtropical Front upon seafloor depression morphologies on the eastern passive margin of South Island, New Zealand. New Zeal. J. Geol. Geophys. link)

    Klaucke, I., Sarkar, S., Bialas, J., Berndt, C., Dannowski, A., Dumke, I., Hillman, J., Koch, S., Nodder, S.D., Papenberg, C., Schneider von Deimling, J., 2018. Giant depressions on the Chatham Rise offshore New Zealand – Morphology, structure and possible relation to fluid expulsion and bottom currents. Mar. Geol. 399. link)

    Riedel, M., Crutchley, G., Koch, S., Berndt, C., Bialas, J., Eisenberg-Klein, G., Prüßmann, J., Papenberg, C., Klaeschen, D., 2018. Elongate fluid flow structures: Stress control on gas migration at Opouawe Bank, New Zealand. Mar. Pet. Geol. link)


    Crutchley, G.J., Kroeger, K.F., Pecher, I.A., Mountjoy, J.J., Gorman, A.R., 2017. Gas Hydrate Formation Amid Submarine Canyon Incision: Investigations From New Zealand’s Hikurangi Subduction Margin. Geochemistry, Geophys. Geosystems. link)

    Hillman, J.I.T., Lamarche, G., Pallentin, A., Pecher, I.A., Gorman, A.R., Schneider von Deimling, J., 2017. Validation of automated supervised segmentation of multibeam backscatter data from the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Mar. Geophys. Res. 1–23. link)

    Pecher, I.A., Villinger, H., Kaul, N., Crutchley, G.J., Mountjoy, J.J., Huhn, K., Kukowski, N., Henrys, S.A., Rose, P.S., Coffin, R.B., 2017. A Fluid Pulse on the Hikurangi Subduction Margin: Evidence From a Heat Flux Transect Across the Upper Limit of Gas Hydrate Stability. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 12,385-12,395. link)

    Wang, H., Crutchley, G.J., Stern, T., 2017. Gas hydrate formation in compressional, extensional and un-faulted structural settings – Examples from New Zealand’s Hikurangi margin. Mar. Pet. Geol. 88, 69–80. link)1(external link)


    Kroeger, K. F., Crutchley, G. J., Hill, M., & Pecher, I. A. (2017). Potential for gas hydrate formation at the northwest New Zealand shelf margin - New insights from seismic reflection data and petroleum systems modelling. Marine and Petroleum Geology.
    Waghorn, K. A., Pecher, I., Strachan, L. J., Crutchley, G., Bialas, J., Coffin, R., Davy, B., Koch, S., Kroeger, K., Papenberg, C., Sarkar, S., SO226 Scientific Party (2017). Paleo‐fluid expulsion and contouritic drift formation on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Basin Research.


    Luo, M., Dale, A. W., Haffert, L., Haeckel, M., Koch, S., Crutchley, G., ... & Greinert, J. (2016). A quantitative assessment of methane cycling in Hikurangi Margin sediments (New Zealand) using geophysical imaging and biogeochemical modeling. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

    Fraser, D. R., Gorman, A. R., Pecher, I. A., Crutchley, G. J., & Henrys, S. A. (2016). Gas hydrate accumulations related to focused fluid flow in the Pegasus Basin, southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 399-408

    Bai, H., I. A. Pecher , L. Adam, and B. Field, Possible link between weak bottom simulating reflections and gas hydrate systems in fractures and macropores of fine-grained sediments: Results from the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand.   Mar. Petrol. Geol., 71, 225-237, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.12.007, 2016

    Crutchley, G.J., Maslen, G., Pecher, I.A., Mountjoy, J.J. 201&, High-resolution seismic velocity analysis as a tool for exploring gas hydrate systems: An example from New Zealand’s southern Hikurangi margin. Interpretation. Doi: 10.1190/INT-2015-0042.1.

    Boswell, R., Bünz, S., Collett, T. S., Frye, M., Fujii, T., McConnell, D., Meinert, J., Pecher, I., Reichel, T., Ryu, B-J. (2016). Introduction to special section: Exploration and characterization of gas hydrates.


    Micallef, A., Mountjoy, J. J., Krastel, S., Crutchley, G., and Koch, S., 2015, Shallow gas and the development of a weak layer in submarine spreading. 7th Edition of Submarine Mas Movements and Their Consequences, Edited book published by Springer.

    Crutchley, G.J., Joshu J. Mountjoy, Ingo A. Pecher, Andrew R. Gorman, Stuart A. Henrys. 2015. Submarine slope instabilities coincident with shallow gas hydrate systems: insights from New Zealand examples. 7th Edition of Submarine Mas Movements and Their Consequences, Edited book published by Springer.

    Crutchley, G. J., Fraser, D. R. A., Pecher, I. A., Gorman, A. R., Maslen, G., and Henrys, S. A., 2015, Gas migration into gas hydrate-bearing sediments on the southern Hikurangi margin of New Zealand: Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, v. 120, no. 2, p. 725-743; doi: 710.1002/2014JB011503.

    Hillman, J. I. T., Gorman, A. R., and Pecher, I. A., 2015, Geostatistical analysis of seafloor depressions on the southeast margin of New Zealand's South Island : investigating the impact of dynamic near seafloor processes on geomorphology: Marine Geology, v. 360, p. 70-83; doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.1011.1016

    Kroeger, K. F., Plaza-Faverola, A., Barnes, P. M., and Pecher, I. A., 2015, Thermal evolution of the New Zealand Hikurangi subduction margin : impact on natural gas generation and methane hydrate formation – a model study: Marine and petroleum geology, v. 63, p. 97-114; doi:110.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.1001.1020

    Koch, S., Berndt, C., Bialas, J., Haeckel, M., Crutchley, G., Papenberg, C., ... & Greinert, J. (2015). Gas-controlled seafloor doming. Geology, 43(7), 571-574.


    Plaza-Faverola, A., Ingo Pecher, Gareth Crutchley, Philip M. Barnes, Stefan Bünz, Thomas Golding, Dirk Klaeschen, Cord Papenberg, Joerg Bialas. 2014. Submarine gas seepage in a mixed contractional and shear deformation regime: Cases from the Hikurangi oblique-subduction margin. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 12/2013; 15(2). DOI:10.1002/2013GC005082

    Archer, R., L. Abraham, I.A. Pecher, M. Fohrmann. 2014. Modelling gas hydrate production potential in the Hikurangi margin. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 01/2014; 57(1). DOI:10.1080/00288306.2013.854813

    Mountjoy, J. J., Pecher, I., Henrys, S., Crutchley, G., Barnes, P. M., & Plaza‐Faverola, A. (2014). Shallow methane hydrate system controls ongoing, downslope sediment transport in a low‐velocity active submarine landslide complex, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(11), 4137-4156.

    Coffin, R. B., Hamdan, L. J., Smith, J. P., Rose, P. S., Plummer, R. E., Yoza, B., Pecher, I., Montgomery, M. T. (2014). Contribution of vertical methane flux to shallow sediment carbon pools across porangahau ridge, New Zealand. Energies, 7(8), 5332-5356.


    Krabbenhoeft, A., Bialas, J., Klaucke, I., Crutchley, G., Papenberg, C., & Netzeband, G. L. (2013). Patterns of subsurface fluid-flow at cold seeps: The Hikurangi Margin, offshore New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 39(1), 59-73.


    Fohrmann, M., I.A. Pecher. 2012. Analysing sand-dominated channel systems for potential gas-hydrate-reservoirs using an AVO seismic inversion technique on the Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology 12/2012; 38(1):19–34. DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.08.001

    Plaza-Faverola, A., Dirk Klaeschen, Philip Barnes, Ingo Pecher, Stuart Henrys, Joshu Mountjoy. 201. Evolution of fluid expulsion and concentrated hydrate zones across the southern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand: An analysis from depth migrated seismic data. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 08/2012; 13(8):8018-. DOI:10.1029/2012GC004228

    Navalpakam, R.S., Ingo A. Pecher, Tim Stern. 2012. Weak and segmented bottom simulating reflections on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand — Implications for gas hydrate reservoir rocks. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 06/2012; s 88–89:29–40. DOI:10.1016/j.petrol.2012.01.008


    Pecher, I.A., and the GHR Working Group, Gas Hydrates in New Zealand – A Large Resource for a Small Country? Fire in the Ice newsletter, U.S. Dept. of Energy, January 2011


    Crutchley GJ, Pecher IA, Gorman AR, Henrys S, Greinert J 2010a. Seismic imaging of gas conduits beneath seafloor vent sites in a shallow marine gas hydrate province, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Mar. Geol. 272(1-4): 114-126.

    Crutchley GJ, Geiger S, Pecher IA, Gorman AR, Zhu H, Henrys SA 2010b. The potential influence of shallow gas and gas hydrates on seafloor erosion of Rock Garden, an uplifted ridge offshore of New Zealand. Geo Mar. Lett. 30(3-4): 283-303.

    Greinert J, Lewis KB, Bialas J, Pecher IA, Rowden A, Bowden DA, De Batist M, Linke P 2010a. Methane seepage along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: Overview of studies in 2006 and 2007 and new evidence from visual, bathymetric and hydroacoustic investigations. Mar. Geol. 272(1-4): 6-25.

    Greinert J, Lewis KB, Bialas J, Pecher IA, Rowden A, Bowden DA, De Batist M, Linke P 2010b. Preface: Methane seeps at he Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Mar. Geol. 272(1-4): 1-3.

    Ellis S, Pecher IA, Kukowski N, Xu W, Greinert J, Henrys S 2010. Testing proposed mechanisms for seafloor weakening at the top of gas hydrate stability, Rock Garden, New Zealand Mar. Geol. 272: 127-140.

    Faure K, Greinert J, von Deimling JS, McGinnes DF, Kipfer R, Linke P 2010. Methane seepage along the Hikurangi margin of New Zealand: geochemical and physical properties of the water column. Mar. Geol. 272: 170-188.

    Ogebule OY, Pecher IA 2010. Possible gas hydrates in the Northland and northern Taranaki Basins – indirect evidence from seismic data. N. Z. J. Geol. Geophys.(53): 369-373.

    Pecher IA, Henrys SA, Kukowski N, Crutchley GJ, Gorman AR, Wood WT, Coffin R, Greinert J, Faure K, CHARMNZ Working Group 2010. Focussing of fluid expulsion on the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, based on evidence for free gas in the regional gas hydrate stability zone. Mar. Geol. 272: 99-113.

    Schwalenberg K, Wood WT, Pecher IA, Hamdan LJ, Henrys SA, Jegen MD, Coffin RB 2010. Preliminary interpretation of electromagnetic, heat flow, seismic, and geochemical data for gas hydrate distribution across the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand. Mar. Geol. 272: 89-98.

Research project details

Collaborators: University of Auckland, University of Otago, NIWA, Elemental Group, Whetu Consultancy Group

International collaborators: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA, Texas A&M University, USA, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Germany



Funding platform

MBIE Endeavour Fund



Programme leader

Jess Hillman, GNS Science

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