Resilience to Nature’s ChallengesKia manawaroa - Ngā Ākina o Te Ao Turoa

GNS Science hosts this National Science Challenge programme, whose purpose is to accelerate our resilience to natural hazards.
This is one of 11 National Science Challenges set up by government to tackle the big science questions facing Aotearoa New Zealand. We bring together physical science, mātauranga Māori, social science, and engineering research to develop policies and tools that reduce the social and economic impacts of future natural hazard events.
The Resilience Challenge is a formal collaboration between thirteen partner organizations. The programme is hosted by GNS Science, and other partner organisations host individual research programmes and projects.
Resilience Challenge features 10 research programmes focused around two major themes:
Understanding Hazard & Risk
- Earthquake & Tsunami
- Volcanoes
- Coastal Hazards
- Weather & Wildfire
- Multihazard Risk
Accelerating Resilience
- Rural Communities
- Urban Communities
- Built Environments
- Whanake te Kura i Tawhiti Nui
- Resilience, Policy & Governance
Research programme details
Collaborators: GNS Science, University of Otago, Lincoln University, The University of Auckland, NIWA, BRANZ, WSP, Scion, University of Canterbury, Massey University, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, University of Waikato
Funding platform
National Science Challenge
Programme leader
Richard Smith – Challenge Director